About Us

Green Frog
Tai Chi

Who are we?

In 1980, our instructor, Eugene, took a pilgrimage from the USSR to China. During this time, he studied at the Beijing Wushu Academy with Tai Chi instructor, Li Zhi Shen. Yang Chengfu and Yang Zhenduo tasked grandmaster Li Zhi Shen to maintain the original form and teach it to students across China and specifically Beijing, in his later years. 

Following his first trip to China, Eugene would take several more trips that would consist of Eugene learning the 24 form, 48 form, and 108 form from Li Zhi Shen. Years later, Eugene received accreditation to be an instructor of Tai Chi Chuan.

In 1998, Eugene opened his first Tai Chi Chuan School in Antwerp, Belgium. He taught hundreds of students for several years.

After moving to the United States, Eugene established the Green Frog Tai Chi Chuan School in 2016, and has been teaching Tai Chi ever since.


Please call (602) 326-9204

or email us at richardpolmans@gmail.com